Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Boston Massacre - March 5,1770

  The Boston Massacre was a street fight that happened on March 5, 1770 between a Patriot mob and British soldiers.  The British's presence was becoming hated in Boston.  It started when 50 Boston citizens attacked a British sentinel.  His commander, Thomas Preston, called in more soldiers to help.  Thomas Preston never gave the order to fire for the first shot was involuntary.  One soldier was attacked, his musket then fell on the ground and discharged.  All the while, with Patriots behind them yelling "Fire, damn you Fire!" taunting the soldiers to fire.  The British of course then started firing fearing for their own lives, even though their commander was in front of them.  Three Patriots are killed.  Later, the British are put to trial and are defended by John Adams, second president of the United States, he is a Patriot, but he believes that the country cannot be founded upon lies.  John Adams wins his case and the British are set free.

This cartoon was made by Paul Revere and shows the British seemingly massacring helpless Patriots.  This is an inaccurate cartoon.

  This cartoon is more accurate because it shows Commander Preston telling his men to stop firing and the Patriots attacking the British soldiers.

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