Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Valley Forge - December 19, 1777-June 18,1778

  Valley Forge was a military camp in southeast Pennsylvania.  This is where the colonial army spent the winter.  Starvation, disease, and the cold killed over 2,500 american soldiers in Valley Forge.  About 1 in 3 soldiers had shoes, blankets were scarce, and soldiers were poorly clothed.  General Washington repeatedly asked for help from the Continental Congress but it was unable to provide it.  Finally, 5 congressmen come and inspect the conditions of the camp.  Then they provide supplies and provisions needed for the army.  On February 23, Baron von Steuben, a former Prussian officer, arrives at Valley Forge to begin a training program for the soldiers.  He greatly improves the skill and technique of the army.  On May 6, the continental army celebrates French Alliance at Valley Forge.

This is a picture of Baron von Steuben Drilling troops

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