Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Bunker Hill - June 17, 1775

  The battle of Bunker Hill is a little confusing.  That is because the British won the field, but the Patriots actually won.  This is what happened. Colonel William Prescott takes 1,000 colonial troops to fortify Bunker Hill.  Prescott and other officers decide to pass Bunker Hill and continued to Breed's Hill which is within cannon range of British ships.  The colonists work through the night and make a earthen fort that is 160 feet long and 30 feet high on the hill.  The British generals wake up to the nasty surprise of a fort and 1,000 colonial troops.  At around three o'clock, 2,000 British march up the hill.  The colonial troops hold fire until the British are 150 feet away from them.  The Patriots hold off two charges from the British.  On the third charge, the British troops break through the Patriot lines because of low ammunition. (For each Patriot was given about three bullets, plus the British reload twice as fast as them).  The British won the field because the Patriots retreated, but the Patriots had only 340 men dead compared to the 1,000 British troops that died, therefore, the Patriots won the battle.

This is an example of how the battle played out

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