Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Boston Tea Party - December 16, 1773

The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the taxes on tea.  It was lead by the Sons of Liberty and happened on December 16, 1773.  Because the Patriots new that once the tea was unloaded onto american soil, they would have to pay the tea tax, so the Patriots refused to let the British unload the tea.  In the morning, the Patriots boarded the ships and threw more than 92,000 pounds of tea or $1,700,000 worth of tea into the Boston Harbor.  The Boston Harbor was later shut down because the tea started to smell. Other than the tea, nothing except a padlock and the tea was damaged.  The padlock was replaced the next day.  Nothing was smuggled, the ships weren't sunk and the crew wasn't hurt.  This was the first organized rebellion that the Patriots had made.  This rebellion however, infuriated the British and was a major step toward the revolutionary war.

Boston Tea Party

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